Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Artist at Work / Play

I am KateDoodlez, 9 year old artist, living in Australia.

This is my blog. You can find my newest KateDoodlez adventures here, so please check in from time to time to see what Katelon is up to with all her friends. Sometimes it will be artwork, sometimes cartoon strips, and whatever else I think of.

I have an Etsy store, where you can buy my KateDoodlez characters as ACEO's (Art Cards Editions & Originals), or jewellery charms, all handmade by me.

See this cool picture of me ... this was drawn for me by newspaper artist, Peter Lewis. I was really excited to meet him and ask him lots of questions. I want to be a cartoonist when I grow up. My Mum says people should buy my art now so they can be rich when I become famous! She thinks this drawing of me is scary and said something about getting her shooters license. I don't know about that. I really like it. Mums can be weird sometimes *ha ha ha*.

1 comment:

Zuda Gay Pease said...

Good start on your blog, Kate! Your picture is very fun to have something so special! Good luck on your jewelry making!! Sounds like fun!